Gatsby E-Commerce

Apr, 2020 - Jun, 2020

CSS ReactJS GatsbyJS GraphQL Snipcart

CSS | ReactJS | GatsbyJS | GraphQL | Snipcart

'Gatsby E-Commerce (Food Quickie)' is a fictitious food delivery e-commerce website built with Gatsby. It gives options between recurring subscriptions with curated dishes and custom orders. While subscriptions aren't available at the time of writing (due to migration of Snipcart from v2 to v3), there are a plethora of options to choose from in the delivery section. These items can be added to a cart and billed right away or may be saved for ordering at a later time, thanks to the presence of user accounts, which also remembers your previous order details along with your contact details. Payments can either be done through credit cards or cash on delivery (COD). The cart, billing and user authentication are powered with the help of Snipcart's API.